Leatherhead and Bookham performing arts students take to the London stage

Leatherhead and Bookham Performing Arts Students Showcase Their Talents On London Theatre Stage

Pictured: Stagecoach Performing Arts Students during their performance at the New Wimbledon Theatre in London. 

June 2024: Students from Stagecoach Performing Arts School in Leatherhead and Bookham showcased their talents in a show-stopping performance at the New Wimbledon Theatre in London, impressing the audience with their versatility in performing various genres. 

After weeks of hard work and rehearsals, the group starred alongside hundreds of students aged 6 -18 from eight Stagecoach Performing Arts schools from the South East.

The students couldn’t wait to perform an eclectic mix of classic film and theatrical songs such as ‘Walk the Plank: He’s a Pirate’ by Klaus Badelt, ‘Little People’ from Les Miserables, ‘Pulled’ from the Addams Family, and ‘Stronger’ from Finding Neverland. 

The scale of the beautiful venue and performances serves as a testament to the students’ creativity and courage, inspired by the Principals of each school.

Felicity Corbauld-Dawe, Principal of Stagecoach in Leatherhead and Bookham, said “We provide so many amazing opportunities for our students but performing on a London stage at a venue as iconic as The New Wimbledon Theatre is something really special. The experience of honing stagecraft by performing routines in new spaces, having to quickly acclimatise to new backstage and wing spaces as well as unfamiliar lighting and sound systems while playing to a large audience is invaluable for the aspiring performer and pushes our students to go beyond what they ever dreamed possible” 

A parent of one of the students also commented “I can’t believe my little person will be on that big stage! What an incredible opportunity and one that will create lifelong memories. Stagecoach has been quite literally a lifeline for my daughter. After having a really tough time at school, Stagecoach helped her be comfortable in her skin and discover who she was. She has most certainly found her tribe and her confidence has soared as a result!”

In the 36 years since launching, Stagecoach Performing Arts has seen more than one million students unlock their creative potential, which they will value for their whole lives. Provided with the support and dedication of such an outstanding Principal network, the students learn so much more than how to sing, dance and act. Stagecoach helps them blossom into well-rounded individuals, ready to embrace life and all of its exciting opportunities.

With a network of over 60,000 students and more than 3,000 extra-curricular Performing Arts Schools worldwide, Stagecoach aims to make a difference in its students’ lives by teaching Creative Courage for Life and many children have gone on to study and work in Performing Arts from blockbuster films to countless roles in local theatre productions. 

Early Stages classes are available for children aged four to six and Main Stages classes for six to 18-year-olds.

For more information about Stagecoach Performing Arts Leatherhead and Bookham, please visit their website at https://www.stagecoach.co.uk/leatherhead or phone 07305 246265.