Town centre updates 8 June 2024 #Leatherhead

If you support the ATM at Nationwide Leatherhead and want to inform the MVDC planning officers you can reply online Here or email with 2024/0783, 0784, and 0786 in the subject line. As the proposal is broken down into no less than three separate applications all of which need to be approved for the others to be effective….As a listed building there are historic environment issues that officers have to consider which have to be balanced against the convenience of the facility. Improved accessibility to the branch is also part of the application and in line with Nationwide commitment to its branch network. Some months ago and this week again we encouraged members MVDC Senior Leadership and Cabinet to look favourably on this anticipated application which of course follows the disappearance of all other ATMs nearby in the immediate town centre except one in Swan Centre.

Latest opening and summer information from the Stockroom Shop in Swan Centre

Plus advance notice of the rearranged public engagement for Bull Hill and Swan Centre redevelopment by the Leret Partnership which will run through to early September with drop ins July after the national election will have full details shortly – these are actual plans rather than ideas and concepts, as after so long there is now a contract to do the rebuilding with Kier Property using architects TP Bennett. Two drop ins are at a convenient drive by location near Tesco and close for many north Leatherhead residents and businesses. who are also hosting other activities and used as a polling station 4 July.

New sunny seating at Swan Centre
Surrey highways contractors fixing the uneven surface Friday – as reported earlier the bank freehold is up for auction