AllSaints Leatherhead pre-school update 14 June

Updates Friday in a fast moving situation:

Surrey County Council spokesperson 14 June We understand the concerns raised by affected families regarding the proposed closure of All Saints Pre-School, and we are equally saddened to hear this news.

“We were recently advised by the pre-school that closure was regrettably their only option, and that All-Saints members had voted to close. However, the community response has been overwhelming and we understand that local partners in the community are coming together to see if anything further can be done to help All Saints remain open.

“We have provided ongoing support to All Saints over a number of years, including awarding them a COVID Recovery Grant in 2021 to assist with the sustainability of the early years provision in North Leatherhead. No funding is being withdrawn from All Saints – they are still accessing all of the available Government funded entitlements. 

“Whilst the community consider whether it will be possible for the pre-school to continue, we will of course provide ongoing support. We are in communication with All Saints members, the Leatherhead Community Hub, local councillors and families.

“If the decision is ultimately taken to close in July, we are committed to supporting families find suitable alternative early years provision for September as we work towards our key priority of ensuring there is sufficient childcare and early education places in North Leatherhead.”

District councillor Leatherhead North Keira Vyvyan-Robinson MVDC cabinet member for Projects

Update on All Saints Pre-School

“We were all shocked and dismayed to be informed on Monday this week that All Saints Pre-School intended to close at the end of this school term. Having been informed of the situation, Councillors for Leatherhead (County and District) met with the Pre-School and representatives from other key community organisations yesterday to try to put together a rescue package. While the immediate priority is securing enough funding to allow the Pre-School to have confidence that it can open in September, we are also working with the Pre-school to try to build greater resilience in terms of Trustee support and financial reserves for the longer term. Anyone who wishes to help support the Pre-School, whether businesses or individuals, either financially or in terms of governance – please do get in touch. We are particularly looking for financial support for the immediate future while further structures are put in place to support the Charity in the longer term.”

and via the Toddler Group Hummingbirds:

Link to Facebook which includes a GoFundMe link


12 June article and petition information

“So sorry to hear another setting is facing closure locally. It’s such a tough time for Early Years ”

Amid a national crisis in early years ITV News report chimes with issues experienced by the local pre-school in north Leatherhead.

“Thousands of childminders, nurseries and pre-schools are shutting their doors, and many more will follow, if the next government does not take early years education seriously, providers have warned.

In an exclusive survey by ITV News, more than 160 providers have revealed the daily struggles they face with funding and recruitment.

One nursery manager said: “The workforce are leaving in droves, especially experienced and qualified managers”, while another said: “I hate having to pay my staff minimum wage for the stressful work that is involved in looking after young children. It can feel like a thankless job.”

Early years and childcare – what are the main parties’ plans?

Others said they simply could not go on and would soon be closing for good.

Staff and parents at the All Saints pre-school within the Leatherhead Community Hub have launched a petition to appeal to the local authorities to step in to keep it going. The running costs exceed the income and the management cannot operate at a deficit ongoing. We understand Surrey County Council may have declined grant funding and have approached SCC for comment. It’s unlikely to be the only setting in financial difficulty who have approached their local authority. However it is not the Council’s decision to close it, but for the management.

Clearly there are other daycare settings, such as two on Cleeve Road and two in the town centre but on a much more commercial basis geared to working parents, and no others along the Kingston Road.

Below is the petition wording.

Save an Early years provision within the community hub in North Leatherhead – Sign the Petition!

This preschool is important to the community of North Leatherhead as it is the only affordable preschool in the area. All Saints Preschool is an OFSTED OUTSTANDING setting with a dedicated team who work above and beyond to provide the best care and education for our children.

All Saints Preschool has been a cornerstone for early childhood education, providing quality care and learning opportunities for our children.The Preschool has also been a support network for the families of the children who attend.  The closure of this institution would leave many families without accessible and affordable options for their young ones’ education.

Here are just a few of the reasons why All Saints Preschool is crucial to our local community and the families connected to it.

The national average of SEND children in receipt of 3& 4 year old funding in 2023 is 8%.
Our average number of SEND children in our setting is 28%, a 250% increase over the national average.

The national average of children in need (including those with child protection plans) is 0.43%
Our average number of children in need in our setting is 15%, a 3388.37% increase over the
national average.

The national average of children who have disorganised attachment (ie – are likely to have
experienced traumatic events and have problematic relationships with primary carers) is 15%.
Our average number of children being supported through trauma and attachment therapy is 19.5%, a 30% increase over the national average.

Without significant ongoing support, we are unable to continue supporting these children as we do not have the funding from the Government to do so. We cannot run at a deficit any longer and yet we are restricted in the changes we can make:
Staffing ratios – set by Department of Education
Wages – minimum wage set by Government
Pension contributions – set by the Government
Income – Funding levels are set by the Department of Education and Surrey County Council.

We urge local authorities and stakeholders to take immediate action to ensure that All Saints Preschool remains open. Please sign this petition to show your support for keeping our community’s vital educational resource alive.

Share this petition in person or use the QR code for your own material.

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