Outdoor play area at Leatherhead Leisure Centre coming soon

Better who now operate Leatherhead and Dorking leisure centres have announced installation of an outdoor play area as part of the existing soft play facilities.

More details expected when it’s assembled.



EXCITING NEWS* for our little people! A brand new outdoor space arriving today Leatherhead Leisure Centre – and don’t forget to stop off at our cafe and grab an iced coffee and a yummy ice cream from local Gray’s Ice Cream Lavender Catering

Separately, MVDC has announced some refurbishment at its flagship Meadowbank playground in Dorking

Following a slight delay, work lasting approximately two weeks began on Tuesday 25 June at the playground in Meadowbank Park, Dorking, to return the sandpit and fort structure to its former glory.

The remaining play equipment will still be available to be enjoyed for the vast majority of time while work is carried out.

We would like to apologise for any inconvenience or disappointment this work might cause and thank you for your patience.

Email parks@molevalley.gov.uk for more information or call 01306 885001

There have been some requests for similar refurbishment in Ashtead which are understood to be under consideration.