Anglers help local Cub Scouts get outdoors to experience fishing #UKSPF

As we reported earlier this year, Leatherhead & District Angling Society (LDAS) were successful in obtaining a grant for fishing equipment via Mole Valley District Council as local administrator of the Government UK Shared Prosperity Fund (Community Capacity building).

Further grants available for small local projects #UKSPF

Cub Scout leader Emily Brown with one of the winners

Here is a summary from the LDAS of how they have put the funding to good use with local Cub Scouts – pictures from LDAS.

Saturday 18th May 2024

Ten Junior Cubs from three areas in Surrey;  Bookham, Effingham and Ashtead, came to the Long Copse fishing ponds in Bookham,  of the Leatherhead & District  Angling Society (LDAS) for their annual match.

The MVDC had kindly allotted some funds for the LDAS to purchase rod, reels and tackle for the Scouts, which was presented to them after the match. This tackle will be used by the Scouts and Cubs in future matches.

All competitors managed to catch a wide range of species, including carp, perch and roach.

The winner, with a very impressive 25lb 13oz, was Josie from 1st Effingham who received a Trophy.

All competitors were supervised by members of the LDAS, helping them in all aspects of fishing techniques.

The prize giving was overseen by senior members of the Cubs movement, Emily Brown, Tim Bishop and Kate Butler.

LDAS Chairman, Dave Tarrant, said the wiliness of the MVDC to contribute to these events shows how important organisations such as the LDAS are in helping youngsters experience more outdoor interests. 


Grants information